Assign multiple items to a category


  1. Log in to your Per Diem merchant dashboard.
  2. Go to "Categories" on your merchant dashboard and click the dots in front of the needed category.
  3. Click "Assign Items" within the selected category.
  4. Select all the necessary items and hit "Save."
  5. Enhance visibility by moving the category to the top with the "Move to the Top" option.
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Select Assign Items

Effortlessly manage your items within the chosen category:

Step 1

Click "Assign Items" within the selected category.

Select Items

Choose and assign multiple items seamlessly:

Step 1

Select all the necessary items and hit "Save."

Move Category to the Top

Optimize your category display order effortlessly:

Step 1

Enhance visibility by moving the category to the top with the "Move to the Top" option.