Create a subscription plan


  1. Log in to your Per Diem merchant dashboard.
  2. From the left sidebar, click on "Subscription Plans."
  3. Hit the "Create Subscription Plan" button at the top right.
  4. Provide a distinctive name and a compelling description.
  5. Select the frequency - weekly, monthly, or quarterly.
  6. Set the price for your subscription plan.
  7. Apply conditions such as buffer time and quantity limits.
  8. Click "Assign Items" to select products for the free plan.
  9. Specify the number of discounted items and apply conditions.
  10. Optionally apply discounts on modifiers.
  11. Hit "Assign Items" to choose products for the discounted plan.
  12. Toggle options to enable customers to pause their subscription cycle.
  13. Select the locations where your subscription plan will be available.
  14. Hit "Save" to lock in your subscription plan settings.

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Choose Items for the Free Plan

Enhance your free plan with optional conditions:

Step 1

Apply conditions such as buffer time and quantity limits.

Step 2

Click "Assign Items" to select products for the free plan.

Choose Items for the Discounted Plan

Maximize the appeal of your discounted plan:

Step 1

Specify the number of discounted items and apply conditions.

Step 2

Optionally apply discounts on modifiers.

Step 3

Hit "Assign Items" to choose products for the discounted plan.

Enable Customers to Pause Subscriptions

Offer flexibility with subscription pauses:

Step 1

Toggle options to enable customers to pause their subscription cycle.

Choose Locations

Tailor your subscription plan for specific locations:

Step 1

Select the locations where your subscription plan will be available.

Step 2

Hit "Save" to lock in your subscription plan settings.