Adjust your delivery fee

Optimize your delivery fees to encourage customers to order directly from your app.


  1. Click on "Settings" from your merchant dashboard.
  2. Toggle the button next to "Impose a service fee on your customers for every order placed."
  3. Toggle the "Waive service fee" button after imposing the service fee.
  4. Toggle the button to charge customers the full DoorDash delivery fee.
  5. Toggle the "Waive delivery fee" button.
  6. Enter the waiver amount, ensuring the delivery fee is exempted for transactions exceeding that amount.
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Charge DoorDash Delivery Fee

For transparency and clarity, charge customers the full DoorDash delivery fee. Customize the title and minimum spend amount:

Step 1:

Toggle the button to charge customers the full DoorDash delivery fee.

Tip: You can adjust the default minimum spend amount ($20) to suit your business needs.

Waive Delivery Fee

Offer an extra incentive for larger orders by waiving the delivery fee over a specified spending threshold:

Step 1:

Toggle the "Waive delivery fee" button.

Step 2:

Enter the waiver amount, ensuring the delivery fee is exempted for transactions exceeding that amount.

Tip: Providing free delivery for higher transaction amounts can be a powerful motivator for customer loyalty.