Configure order placement settings


  1. Log in to your Per Diem merchant dashboard.
  2. From the left sidebar of your merchant dashboard, choose "Operations."
  3. Click on "Order Placement," and explore three unique options catering to your business needs.
  4. Select the option that aligns with your business requirements.
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Select Order Placement

Tailor the order placement settings to your preferences:

Step 1

Click on "Order Placement," and explore three unique options catering to your business needs.

  • Allow Future Orders: Enable customers to schedule orders for a future date and time.
  • Immediate Orders Only: Restrict orders to immediate placement, excluding any future scheduling.
  • Same-Day Orders Only: Limit orders to the current day, offering a sense of immediacy.

Choose Your Preferred Option

Tailor the order placement settings to match your business model:

Step 1

Select the option that aligns with your business requirements.