Create category schedules

Personalize item availability, ensuring your products are accessible precisely when you want them to be.


  1. Log in to your Per Diem merchant dashboard.
  2. From the left sidebar of your merchant dashboard, choose "Operations."
  3. Choose "Category Schedule."
  4. Fill in the details by adding a desired schedule name and its description.
  5. Scroll below to choose personalized days and the starting and ending dates for the scheduled categories.
  6. Select the categories that need scheduling and the locations where they should be scheduled.
  7. Hit "Save" to preserve all the updates.
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Click Create a Schedule

Add a touch of customization by naming your schedule and providing a brief description:

Step 1

Fill in the details by adding a desired schedule name and its description.

Select Day and Date

Specify the days and dates for your personalized schedule:

Step 1

Scroll below to choose personalized days and the starting and ending dates for the scheduled categories.

Assign Categories and Locations

Designate categories and locations for your scheduled items:

Step 1

Select the categories that need scheduling and the locations where they should be scheduled.

Step 2

Hit "Save" to preserve all the updates.

With the category scheduling feature, you have the flexibility to personalize availability, ensuring your products are accessible precisely when you want them to be.