Set up custom prep times

Ensure seamless operations by setting up prep times in your app.


  1. Log in to your Per Diem merchant dashboard.
  2. From the operations dropdown tab on the left, select "Operational Times."
  3. In the second box below the busy mode, select "Add Prep Time."
  4. Adjust your longest preparation time. The system will automatically choose the longest preparation time when multiple options are available, provided it surpasses existing preparation times; otherwise, it defaults to ASAP.
  5. Select days and times for your customized prep periods. You can also set it to "All Day" to minimize confusion.
  6. Choose the locations to which you want to add custom prep times, aligning with your business needs.
  7. Hit "Save" to update and save all your changes.
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Select Day and Time

Streamline your prep schedule by specifying days and times:

Step 1

Select days and times for your customized prep periods. You can also set it to "All Day" to minimize confusion.

Choose Locations

Adapt your prep times based on location-specific requirements:

Step 1

Choose the locations to which you want to add custom prep times, aligning with your business needs.

Hit Save

Ensure all changes are applied and saved for efficient order management:

Step 1

Hit "Save" to update and save all your changes.

Learn more on custom prep time and more efficiency-boosting features in this article.